
Home » Tuberculosis

Clinical Guidelines

It is recommended that all people of refugee background (including children) that have arrived in Australia are referred for routine TB screening.  Note that not all people who come from a refugee / refugee-like background will have had offshore TB screening before arriving into Australia and some will have had IGRA / TST +/- CXR depending on age.

Asylum seekers arriving by plane are unlikely to have had a CXR and may not have had any screening for Active TB or Latent TB (LTBI).   This is likely to include recent arrivals from Ukraine and Afghanistan (end 2021- 2022).

For information about:

It is important to review and include in referrals information regarding the country of origin, migration pathway and transit countries, previous TB screening, and any past history of TB, TB treatment, or contact with active TB. This will enable TB services to appropriately triage referrals.

Where there are symptoms / clinical suspicion of active TB then it is recommended that a clinician speak directly with the relevant TB service and arrange referral appropriately according to advice (see above Qld Health Guidance).


Metro South Clinical Tuberculosis Service
Referral Guidelines to Metro South Clinical Tuberculosis Service
Tuberculosis Screening Referral Form (PDF)

The following TB Screening Referral templates are rtf versions and must be DIRECTLY INSTALLED INTO BEST PRACTICE or MEDICAL DIRECTOR. DO NOT open in Microsoft Word, as it will corrupt the template tags.

Translated Resources about Tuberculosis and testing