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Recording Immunisations - AIR

Check if a record already exists
To prevent a duplicate record from being created, you can search the AIR for an existing record by entering the surname, first name and date of birth of the individual. The AIR will display the individual’s details if a record exists, and a new encounter can then be recorded. If you can’t find a unique match, conduct another search and also include the individual’s postcode.

Create a new record if one doesn’t already exist
If there isn’t a match after conducting a thorough search, a new record can be created by following the instructions: Create a new record.
Important: You will need to record a vaccination to create a new record.

Individuals who aren’t enrolled in Medicare or don’t have an Individual Healthcare Identifier can have their vaccinations recorded on the AIR by a provider in one of three ways:  by entry on the AIR secure site, by using practice management software or by using an official AIR form uploaded via Health Professional Online Services (HPOS).

No access to AIR?

Providers without access to the AIR site or relevant software can record vaccination details using an official AIR form uploaded via HPOS.
Important: It can take up to 14 days to update an individual’s AIR record when a vaccination encounter is submitted using a form.

Where providers have difficulty submitting a vaccination contact AIR on 1800 653 809.

Under the Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015 (Cth), it is mandatory to report all influenza, COVID-19, National Immunisation Program and Japanese encephalitis virus vaccines to AIR.

More information about AIR  Department of Health and Aged Care

How to submit to AIR for a non-Medicare individual

Individuals who aren’t enrolled in Medicare or don’t have an Individual Healthcare Identifier can have their vaccinations recorded on the AIR by a provider in one of three ways:  by entry on the AIR secure site, by using practice management software or by using an official AIR form uploaded via Health Professional Online Services (HPOS).

Some software will transmit vaccination encounters for non-Medicare individuals to the AIR. Your software developer can provide further advice about this process.

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